Oh My!! Just See How Pregnant Woman Destroys Husband’s Car After Catching Him With Alleged Lover (Photos/Video)

This is serious! A pregnant woman destroyed her husband’s car in a jealous rage after catching him enjoying lunch with an alleged lover in a nearby restaurant.

She smashes the windscreen before jumping up and down on the roof and then throwing a rock through the back window to make sure it’s a near write-off.

One onlooker couldn’t hide his amusement as he recorded the scenes on his mobile and gave a running commentary as she took the car apart.

The woman, a baby bump clearly visible under her vest top, reportedly went ballistic after discovering her husband eating with his mistress in a restaurant near to where his car was parked.

She sets the alarm off at one point by stamping up and down on the vehicle, stopping briefly to shout abuse at her cheating hubby who perhaps wisely has decided to keep his distance and ensure only his vehicle gets a good beating.

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